Beverly Williams Odon, PhD
Learn to Earn Dayton
(937) 231-1773
Beverly has joined Learn to Earn Dayton to collaborate with critical educational, governmental and community organizations to launch a year-long academy to inform residents about the function of schools and local governments to become advocates who drive systemic change. Odon’s career includes a myriad of institutions and organizations that address community needs through comprehensive services to children, youth and families. For more than 40 years, she has worked on behalf of abused and neglected children at Montgomery County Children Services, supported Dayton Public Schools’ early childhood education services, administered a first-diversion program for female status offenders through a federal Law Enforcement Assistance Administration grant to the National Council of Negro Women and delivered social services to Head Start children and families through the Miami Valley Child Development Centers. She also was the first center director for the Dora Lee Tate Service Center, promoting local collaboratives, advocacy initiatives and support for the local nonprofit sector through the United Way of the Greater Dayton Area.