The Northwest Dayton Partnership brings together people and organizations in this critical corner of our city to work toward dramatically improving outcomes at the population level and reducing disparities through sustained, systemic solutions. The effort aims to build well-being by intentionally and simultaneously working with both children and the adults in their lives, including building high-quality, early childhood education and shifting power to deeply connected community organizations. Learn to Earn Dayton, a supporting organization of The Dayton Foundation, is convening local community partners and providing them with core support to achieve the shared vision of this leadership initiative.
Leveraging Resources
The Dayton Foundation is providing Northwest Dayton Partnership’s team members with technical assistance on capacity building and impact investing, as well as advising them on how to leverage philanthropic investment. Following a commitment by Learn to Earn Dayton to provide first-round grant distributions of $1.45 million, the Foundation and its fund holders helped raise an additional $625,000 that will be distributed to improve outcomes in education, community well-being and economic mobility for Northwest Dayton’s children and families. These grants are part of a large-scale effort to use a multi-generational approach to build and strengthen these neighborhoods.