Administrative Fees
As a community foundation, The Dayton Foundation offers low administrative fees on donors’ charitable funds.
No administrative fee is charged for Charitable Checking Accounts.SM Currently, administrative fees for endowed (long-term) funds range from 0.70 percent to 1.75 percent, depending upon the type of fund and its current market value. A minimum annual fee is charged for endowed funds with a market value of $50,000 or below. Additionally, money managers will charge an additional fee ranging from 0.10 percent to 1.5 percent.

Investment Policy Highlights
We take seriously our role as a responsible steward of the funds that you entrust to our care. Your gift, no matter what its size, reflects your trust in our ability to invest resources wisely and to use the resources represented by your fund to carry out your wishes.
The Dayton Foundation’s volunteer Finance Committee, comprised of business professionals, works with our professional staff to:
- develop investment policies;
- establish performance benchmarks; and
- continually evaluate investment performance.
Under the Finance Committee’s guidance, funds are invested with a balanced approach, incorporating equities, fixed income and cash. The goal is to provide for consistent, long-term asset growth. The Foundation’s Governing Board has final oversight of investment policies and performance. We also employ Fund Evaluation Group for investment consulting and to provide third-party evaluation of investment performance on a quarterly basis.
Most endowed funds are maintained and reported separately, but are pooled for investment purposes for optimal performance and cost effectiveness. We use more than 50 Foundation-approved investment managers to invest donors’ funds.
The Dayton Foundation’s Statement of Investment Policy is available for easy downloading and printing.
The Dayton Foundation’s Finance Committee
Composed of community and business leaders, as well as Foundation Board members, the Foundation’s Finance Committee provides guidance and financial oversight.