
Vandalia-Butler Foundation - Connie DeHart Memorial Scholarship

Connie DeHart was a 1983 graduate of Butler High School. She also graduated from Miami University where she was an active member of Sigma Delta Tau sorority. She taught earth science at Troy High School in 1988, and in 1989 she was a substitute teacher in the Vandalia-Butler School system. Connie's ultimate goal was to become a full-time teacher for the Vandalia-Butler Schools; but this goal was not to be realized, as she lost her battle with cancer on November 11, 1992. In her memory, the Connie DeHart Memorial Scholarship Fund was established. This award will go to a graduating female senior from Butler High School who plans to go into a career in education, preferably studying at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.

Applicants must:

  • be a graduating senior from Butler High School and
  • plan to attend Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.

Preference will be given to a student who plans to major in education.

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Vandalia-Butler Foundation - Connie DeHart Memorial Scholarship Image


$3,000 Renewable


Vandalia Butler Foundation
