Eligibility Qualifications
To be eligible for a grant, your organization must:
- be recognized as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization, according to the Internal Revenue Code;
- be established for at least two years and have a track record of sustainability;
- benefit citizens in the Greater Dayton region, (Montgomery, Miami, Greene, Darke, Preble and Warren (north) counties);
- demonstrate diversity, equity and inclusion in organizational practices;
- demonstrate systemic collaboration;
- address needs that are not met fully by existing organizational or community resources; and
- have submitted the final report for any previously received Foundation Greenlight GrantSM or discretionary grant.

Grant Guidelines
When awarding a discretionary grant, The Dayton Foundation gives priority to projects that meet one or more of the following criteria.
- Provide for more efficient use of community resources, promote coordination, cooperation and sharing among organizations, and reduce the duplication of services in our community
- Test or demonstrate new approaches and techniques for solving important community problems
- Promote volunteer participation and citizen involvement in community affairs
- Strengthen not-for-profit agencies and institutions by reducing operating costs, increasing public financial support and/or improving internal management
We generally do not award discretionary grants for:
- general organizational operations, ongoing programs, operational deficits, or reduced or lost funding;
- individuals, scholarships, travel;
- religious/sectarian causes;
- fundraising drives;
- special or one-time events, annual fundraising drives, ceremonies, conferences and workshops;
- political activities;
- public or private schools;
- endowment funds;
- hospitals and universities for internal programs;
- matching grants (unless local dollars are needed to fulfill a condition for a state or federal grant);
- neighborhood or local jurisdiction projects;
- newly organized not-for-profit organizations (less than a two-year track record as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization);
- publications, scientific, medical or academic research projects, research papers;
- art exhibits; or
- cultural arts productions, with the exception of funding costs associated with creating original works.
In addition, multi-year or large-dollar requests (unless they are initiatives approved by the Foundation's Grants Committee or Governing Board) rarely are considered.
Apply for a Grant
Learn more about The Dayton Foundation’s Basic Human Needs Grants, Greenlight GrantsSM, Discretionary Grants and other grant opportunities available through Foundation funds to help you help others.