Note: Due to the large size of this listing, it has been broken into multiple pages. Click on this pull-down menu to select the part of the alphabetical listing you wish to view.
K12 Gallery & TEJAS Endowment Fund – 2017 supports this nonprofit visual arts center that inspires people of all ages in Greater Dayton to imagine, learn and create art.
John P. Kalaman Memorial Scholarship Fund – 1998 was instituted by the family and friends of John P. Kalaman, a devoted Centerville police officer, who died tragically in the line of duty in 1998. The fund awards renewable scholarships to Centerville or Washington Township graduates considering a career in criminal justice or to Centerville police employees/retirees or their immediate family members, to further their academic studies.
William and Sonnie Kasch Fund – 2000 provides charitable support to nonprofit organizations, as designated by the donors. William Kasch, president of Everybody's Workplace Solutions, and his wife, Sonnie, are longtime volunteers in the Dayton community.
The Stanley J. and Susan L. Katz Family Foundation – 2005 distributes income to the charities of the donors' choosing. Stanley Katz is founder and principal of ClientFirst Financial Strategies, Inc. Susan Katz is very active in the community and was named one of Dayton's Top Ten Women in 2001.
Eleanor and John Kautz Fund – 1990 supports ever-changing needs in the Dayton Region by providing assistance for The Dayton Foundation’s discretionary grants program. Eleanor Kautz, a longtime geriatric specialist, and her husband, John, established this fund before their passings so that “Dayton can continue as a healthy and nurturing community.
The Kawai Family Foundation – 2022 furthers the charitable interests of the donors by contributing to organizations important to them.
Marjorie Wendel Keenoy Charitable Fund– 2009 carries on the donor’s lifelong support of area charities by awarding grants to nonprofit organizations in her name. An avid golfer, Mrs. Keenoy was the first female awarded a varsity letter at Oakwood High School, and she played in the first women’s NCAA golf tournament.
Keep Playing The Game Scholarship Fund - 2023 offers tuition assistance for graduate school, professional development and other career-related training opportunities to select sports management alumni of the University of Dayton. This fund continues Dr. Peter J. Titlebaum’s relentless pursuit in aiding the personal and professional development of his students.
Paul and Cynda Kehl Fund– 2007 created by the donors as part of their estate plan, designates grants to DePauw University and Ohio Wesleyan University. The Kehls were classroom teachers who took pride in promoting education and learning.
Howard C. and Marie S. Kelly Fund – 1994 yields annual operating dollars for Antioch University, Otterbein Home and The Dayton Foundation. The fund was established following Howard Kelly's death and uses remainders from several life income gifts.
Carl B. Kern Fund – 1987 promotes the benefits of summer camp by paying tribute to the life and work of former Dayton YMCA Boys' Work Secretary, "C.B." Kern, a Germantown native who established Camp Kern (originally Camp Ozone) at Fort Ancient in 1910. Scholarships from this fund provide summer camp opportunities for Miami Valley youth each year. The fund was created by Stuart T. Weinberg, M.D.
Kesling Family Scholarship Fund – 2015 assists Kettering Fairmont High School graduates who show leadership and a great work ethic, among other positive traits, in the school’s music program. The fund was established by Diane, Robert and David Kesling to honor their parents, Betty Kesling Smith and Devon Kesling.
Kettering Education Foundation Fund – 1999 is to ensure continued excellence in education by providing annual unrestricted operating income for the Kettering Education Foundation.
Virginia W. Kettering Dayton Holiday Festival Fund – 1989 promotes cultural activities carried out in connection with holiday celebrations in downtown Dayton. Virginia Kettering, a prominent businesswoman and philanthropist, founded the Dayton Holiday Festival in 1971.
Virginia W. Kettering Fund – 2000 was established by Virginia W. Kettering, one of the Miami Valley's foremost philanthropists, to further the public good. Along with her late husband, Eugene, Mrs. Kettering founded The Kettering Medical Center and was instrumental in the construction of the U.S. Air Force Museum, as well as the renovation and expansion of several prominent Dayton performing and fine arts facilities.
Alice Kimmel General Endowment Fund for Fairview United Methodist Church – 2001 provides unrestricted revenue for the operations of this Dayton church.
Mark Kingseed Memorial Scholarship – 2019 encourages Montgomery County graduating seniors, who wish to study history, international studies, political science, urban planning or public administration, to pursue their dreams through scholarship assistance. The fund was established in memory of former City of Centerville Mayor Mark Kingseed by his wife, Joannie, and his partners at the Dayton law firm of Coolidge Wall.
Robert H. and Enis N. Kissinger Fund – 1995 enables the Governing Board to make discretionary grants where the community most needs them. Their fund preserves this couple's wishes, conveyed to the Foundation through a letter written in 1987. They wrote, “...we know changes will continue [in Dayton] long after we are gone. We therefore wish to leave you a free hand in using the income... where it can do the most good. The health and happiness of future Daytonians is a goal worthy of all our best efforts.”
William J. and Phyllis L. Kist Fund – 2010 provides support to eight local nonprofit organizations, including Clothes That Work and Hospice of Dayton Foundation. The fund memorializes Phyllis Kist, a 33-year General Motors employee, and her husband, William Kist, a World War II veteran.
Kiwanis Club of Oakwood Fund – 1996 helps preserve Carillon Park by providing unrestricted operating revenue to enhance special educational programs, especially for children.
Robert E. and Gwen Kline Scholarship Fund – 1992 encourages needy Montgomery County high school seniors who aspire to attend accredited institutions of higher learning within Ohio. For 51 years Robert Kline's music inspired high school graduates, when he played the Deeds Carillon and NCR auditorium's organ for commencement exercises.
Dr. Rita Klosterman Scholarship Fund – 2006 honors the memory of this former elementary school principal and University of Dayton professor who devoted her life to education. The fund will benefit the University of Dayton’s College of Education and assist financially needy students attending any Roman Catholic elementary school in Montgomery County.
Peter Osborn Knapp YMCA Camp Kern Scholarship Fund – 2010 was established by Barbara Knapp in honor of her late husband's many years of volunteer service to the YMCA of Greater Dayton and his belief in the activities of YMCA Camp Kern. The fund will provide scholarships to children who otherwise would not be able to attend Camp Kern due to financial need.
Dorothy R. Kohlmeyer Scholarship Fund – 2017 designates funds to Anna Local Schools for an annual scholarship awarded to a graduating senior. The student must hold the highest grade point average in his or her class and plan to attend a private college or university.
Kohnle Family Fund – 1992 provides unrestricted funds for local charitable causes and was created as a response to a challenge grant from the Ford Foundation. John E. Kohnle established this fund in memory of his parents, Edward L. and Esther B. Kohnle.
Kolodesh Family Foundation Scholarship Fund – 2015 helps Miller Lane Business District employees who reside in Butler Township, as well as their children, further their education.
Sylvia L. Koons Endowment Fund for Five Rivers MetroParks – 1996 sustains the beauty of Five Rivers MetroParks lands by generating revenue to purchase trees and other woody plants and shrubs. The fund also supports other environmental improvement projects.
Frederick E. and Juanita B. Koors Family Fund – 1999 awards grants to further the important work of the Cancer Research Institute, National Museum of the United States Air Force and Great Lakes Mariner’s Museum and Memorial.
Krug-Hibner Family Fund – 2001 encourages charitable, educational and religious activities for Catholic institutions. The fund was established by the children of William and Alice (Krug) Hibner to honor their ancestors.
Krul Family Foundation – 2003 furthers the charitable activities of William Krul, former CEO of Miller-Valentine Group, and his wife, Patricia.
Kumar Family Foundation – 2019 was established by Surekha and Deepak Kumar, MD, to support civic and charitable endeavors.
The Kuntz Foundation – 2007 sustains the charitable, educational and civic projects of the Kuntz Foundation.
The Kuntz Foundation Fund – 1987 provides grants to charities and was founded as a response to a challenge grant from the Ford Foundation. The Kuntz family founded a predecessor of PK Lumber Co. in the late 1870s.
Martin C. Kuntz, Jr., Memorial Scholarship Fund – 2013 honors the memory of this former president of the Peter Kuntz Company, World War II veteran and lifelong Dayton resident. The fund awards grants to the general scholarship fund at Hillsdale College located in Michigan. Martin Kuntz supported this institution during his lifetime, because he believed in its ideals and principles.
Peter H. and Majorie C. Kuntz Designated Fund – 2019 honors Peter H. Kuntz and his contributions to the Kuntz Foundation for more than 50 years. This fund awards grants to support qualifying students attending Alter, Carroll and Chaminade Julienne high schools.
While the size and purpose of each fund is different, our donors share the same goal – to make a difference.
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