Note: Due to the large size of this listing, it has been broken into multiple pages. Click on this pull-down menu to select the part of the alphabetical listing you wish to view.
Tom Lanasa and Family Scholarship – 2022 awards scholarships to juniors or seniors currently majoring in Special Education at Wright State University. The fund remembers the life and accomplishments of Tom Lanasa, who left a lasting impression on those around him. Despite being classified as a paraplegic, Tom never deterred from living life to the fullest.
The Lane Family Fund II – 2022 advances Douglas and Gay Lane’s goal of furthering the arts and sciences within the Oakwood Schools System.
Lapedes-Schwartz Family Scholarship Fund – 2016 established by Richard Lapedes and Maureen Lynch, Stephen and Melissa Schwartz, and Andrew and Pamela Schwartz, assists children of LION Group, Inc., employees in furthering their education at an accredited two- or four-year college or university. Founded in 1898 by William Lapedes, LION remains a family-owned company and is managed by his great-grandsons, Andrew and Stephen Schwartz.
Clarence and Judith Lapedes Family Foundation – 2012 furthers the charitable interests of the donors by awarding grants to nonprofit organizations in Greater Dayton.
Lauderback Fund – 2003 honors Clara Lauderback's memory and helps to perpetuate her charitable wishes by designating annual grants to selected organizations, including The Dayton Foundation's unrestricted fund to meet ever-changing needs.
The Laufersweiler Family Fund – 2022 furthers the charitable activities of Tom and Joyce Laufersweiler. Their seven children could not be more proud, humbled and blessed to have parents who represented their community so well for more than 65 years. They feel that their parents’ positive impact will be felt for generations to come, and that they embodied the bible verse Matthew 25:21, “Well done, good and faithful servants.”
Mr. and Mrs. George F. Lawton Fund – 1987 makes annual distributions to eight organizations, as designated by its founders.
Learn to Earn Fund – 2009 supports this innovative program that focuses on creating and enhancing initiatives to help ensure Greater Dayton young people achieve their personal and intellectual potential, therefore enhancing the region's economic development and educational strategies.
The Learning Tree Farm Endowment Fund – 1986 benefits this unique farm, whose mission is to facilitate hands-on learning experiences in a traditional farm setting.
The Evangeline Spahr Lee Endowment Fund – 2005 aids in purchasing new books, particularly books pertaining to travel and for the children's section at Taylor Memorial Public Library in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio. Rev. Harvey Smith and his late wife, Carolyn, established this fund in memory of Carolyn's cousin, Evangeline Spahr Lee.
Angela Lehar Memorial Scholarship Fund – 1988 is set up to sponsor college tuition assistance awards to Wayne High School graduates who wish to pursue a career in teaching. The fund was established by the family of Angela Lehar, a Wayne graduate and a former education major at Wright State University.
Calvin J. Leis and Pearl L. Leis Memorial Endowment Fund for Slifers Presbyterian Church – 2017 provides annual income to this Farmersville, Ohio, church for building maintenance, improvements to existing land and buildings or constructing new buildings.
The Lion Legacy Fund – 2011 supports the charitable interests of LION, a family-owned and operated business based in Dayton since 1898. LION, a protective equipment, logistics and training company for the emergency and military markets, believes in giving back to the communities in which it does business.
Little Miami, Inc., Fund – 1998 provides unrestricted operating income for Little Miami, Inc., to preserve and protect the Little Miami Scenic River as a natural resource for present and future generations.
Bill and Jackie Lockwood Fund to Support Opera – 2019 was established to support opera and opera education in Greater Dayton. Jackie Lockwood, a former president of the Dayton Opera Guild, created the fund from a bequest from her estate.
Ray Loughman Fund – 1989 makes unrestricted grants to support the community. Ray Loughman was a Dayton native, World War II veteran and retiree of NCR Corporation, where he worked for 44 years.
Love Yourself/Love Your Children Fund – 1990 improves parenting skills of divorced, unwed, widowed and single parents in Greater Dayton. The fund was created by Jeanne W. Theodore.
Lumby Family Fund – 1999 was established through a bequest by Margaretta Lumby to provide unrestricted revenue for the Dayton Area Chapter of the American Red Cross.
William A. Lumpkin Endowed Scholarship – 2019 helps an African-American student, who has demonstrated leadership and academic success and is graduating from Dayton Public or Trotwood Madison schools, attend an accredited two-or four-year college or university.
Maureen Lynch and Richard Lapedes Donor Advised Fund – 2018 supports pre-K through 12 public education, the environment, arts and the elimination of historical racism, among other charitable causes. Maureen Lynch, a longtime community leader and Dayton Foundation Governing Board Member, and her husband, Richard Lapedes, a lifelong artist and sculptor and retired CEO of the Lion Group, believe that diversity and inclusivity are the key to a successful community.
Lytle-Kimmel Fund – 2000 awards grants to enable The Dayton Foundation to help meet changing community needs. The fund honors the memory of Sara Kimmel Lytle, a life-long member of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, and her husband, Mason Hooker Lytle. The Lytles were married for 64 years.
While the size and purpose of each fund is different, our donors share the same goal – to make a difference.
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