The Dayton Foundation recently awarded $632,500 in discretionary grants that were approved by the Foundation’s Governing Board to assist Greater Dayton charities. Additionally, grants totaling $40,825 were awarded through the Foundation’s Greenlight GrantsSM program to benefit area nonprofits.
The Foundation’s discretionary and Greenlight Grants programs are made possible by donors who have provided unrestricted or lightly restricted funds. These funds enable the Foundation to act on opportunities for the community and address pressing needs throughout the region.

Beaver Creek Wetlands Association
Beaver Creek Wetlands Association ($50,000) to create a regional trail system connecting the parks and reserves along the Beaver Creek Wetlands corridor.
Dayton Art Institute ($70,000) to assist in creating a life-sized sculpture of Paul Laurence Dunbar to educate and inspire visitors at the West Branch Dayton Metro Library.
East End Community Services ($125,000) to aid in the renovation of two new warehouse spaces that ultimately will strengthen services to children and families.
The Foodbank ($75,000) to purchase a new freezer unit to increase the organization’s ability to respond to future emergencies.
Friends of Aullwood ($25,000) to aid in renovations that will make Aullwood accessible for individuals with disabilities.

Dayton Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity of Greater Dayton ($62,500) to assist in replacing the organization’s roof.
Montgomery County Ohio College Promise ($100,000) to support the Extend the Promise campaign to help an additional 500 students, over the next 10 years, attend college at little or no cost to them or their families.
WYSO Public Radio ($25,000) to assist in building a satellite location at the Dayton Arcade for broadcasts and educational opportunities.
YMCA of Greater Dayton ($100,000) in partnership with CountyCorp, CareSource, Goodwill Easter- seals Miami Valley, The Homeownership Center, Premier Health, United Way of the Greater Dayton Area and Wright State University, to help build a one-stop-shop health and wellness campus in Northwest Dayton.
Greenlight Grants Awards

Brukner Nature Center
Brukner Nature Center ($2,847) to improve fencing separating visitors and program participants from Wildlife Ambassadors.
Family Violence Prevention Center of Greene County ($3,000) to better provide services to victims of domestic violence by expanding and updating the current phone system.
First Dayton Little League ($4,000) to aid in upgrading the dugouts, restrooms, parking lot, concession stand and playing field.
Gem City Kitties($4,239) to help the organization reduce energy expenses by replacing and upgrading equipment in the Gem City Vet office located in Trotwood.
Gem City Vet
The Historical Society of Germantown ($3,000) to help repair and preserve the building’s exterior walls.OneFifteen ($1,195) to provide fitness programs for people recovering from addiction.
Places Inc. ($7,500) to purchase appliances and furniture for adults living with mental health challenges.
Planned2Give ($2,000) to upgrade to an all-in-one fundraising and data management tool, enabling the organization to support more nonprofit fundraising events.
Rebuilding Together Dayton ($2,500) to purchase a truck to provide services that help seniors stay in safe, healthy housing.
St. Anne’s Hill Historic Society ($6,844) to purchase disability friendly playground equipment for Bomberger Park.

Yellow Springs Home, Inc.
ventureLINX ($1,200) to purchase equipment that will help train students with disabilities to become more employable after graduation.
Yellow Springs Home, Inc. ($2,500) to hire an accounting and consulting firm in order to evaluate strategic options for building long-term sustainability as a growing nonprofit, affordable housing development agency.